Department of Zoology

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About Department of Zoology

The Department of Zoology is one of the five scientific departments (zoology, botany, chemistry, nature, sports) that opened the Faculty of Science at the Libyan University in Tripoli in 1957, and the faculty of the department included in its early years professors from some Arab countries (Egypt, Lebanon), and foreign countries (America, Britain, India, Pakistan) and the language of instruction at the time was English, while the study system in the department is the system of the full academic year and the duration of study at the university is four years, in which the student of the Department of Zoology then studied The following decisions:

First Year: Zoology, Botany, General Chemistry, General Physics and General Sports.

Second Year: Zoology, Botany and Chemistry Courses.

Third and fourth years: The zoology student studies courses in specialized branches of zoology in addition to chemistry, botany or geology.

The teaching system in the department then turned to the closed semester system, and then to the open classroom system, that is, the system of consecutive study units, including a sequence based on a succession in the requirements of the courses of the subjects, which include basic courses (Core courses) and supporting courses (Supporting courses), so that the student accomplishes for his graduation (136) units of study, and in order for the department to develop and keep pace with the accelerated progress in the various fields of biological sciences, five specialized divisions were introduced, namely:  Developmental biology, entomology, environmental sciences, marine sciences, and forensic biosciences.

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Department of Zoology News

2023-02-23 1323 0
2023-02-18 1367 1
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Bachelor - Evolutionary Biology

The developmental biology program is concerned with sciences related to human and animals including cytology, histology, physiology, and embryology. It...

Bachelor - Entomology

The Entomology program is concerned with the study of insects, knowing their role in the environment, and their relation to humans in terms of environmental,...

Bachelor - Ecology

The Ecology program was designed to prepare cadres that contribute to finding practical, scientific solutions to various environmental problems and preparing...


Who works at the Department of Zoology

Department of Zoology has more than 30 academic staff members

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HANIN MOH M TUNSI University, Libya. Department of Zoology. Department of Zoology. MS MSZoology NameHANIN MOHMTUNSI PUBLICATIONS Passport NumberN8679NJ3-2014 2021-present Assistant lecturer at the University of Tripoli, Faculty of Science, ACHIEVEMENTS University of Tripoli, Libya (Jacobson organ) in (Ctenodactylus gundi)in Libya Permanent ContactAlfornaj Street, Tripoli / Libya Mobile: 00218917444383 BS Degree -BS Zoology 2011-2019Teaching assistant at the University of Tripoli, Faculty of Science, Anatomical and histological study of the Vomeronasal organ Scholarship from ministry of higher education of Libya to carry MS in Zoology from Tripoli University of Tripoli, Libya [1] Mshiri OA, TunsiHM. Anatomical and histological study of the vomeronasal organ in Tripoli University, Libya NationalityLibyan PERSONAL INFORMATION WORK EXPERIENCES Age Last Birthday34 ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS (Ctenodactylus gundi) J Med Care Res Rev. 2019;2:190–5