Digital Repository for Department of Computer Science

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Adnan ElSherif, Duaa Adel Masaud Agina (5-2024)
, .
Ali Ali Ahmed Aburas (5-2024)
MI-STA 2024, .
Mohamed Ali whiba , Akram Ali Milad (4-2024)
المجلة الدولية للعلوم و التقنية - ISTJ - International Science and Technology Journal, 34(1), pp. 1-21.
Akram Ali Milad, Mohamed Ali Whiba (4-2024)
المجلة الدولية للعلوم و التقنية - ISTJ - International Science and Technology Journal, 34(1), pp. 1-21.
1111111111111111111 (3-2024)
, 1(111), pp. 1-22.