Master in Pharmaceutical

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine - Department of Pharmacology, Toxicology & Forensic Medicine



This program is implemented through the study of academic courses, the number of which is not less than (24) academic units, and that it does not exceed (30) academic units over 3 semesters, in addition to the completion of a specialized scientific research thesis with several (6) academic units. The legal period necessary to obtain a master’s degree that the student spends in the department since joining, registering with, and graduating from it shall not be less than (18) months, and the period shall not exceed (36) months, by Articles (124) and (126) mentioned in Regulation No. 501 of 2010 regarding the issuance of a regulation regulating higher education. Note that the minimum compulsory credits are (14) for the mentioned programs.


The knowledge and field experience of the postgraduate student is updated by building new knowledge and skills at the bachelor's degree, which allows him to delve deeper into the field of study in addition to addressing all aspects of the field and study, including:

1. The ability to identify scientific problems and conduct scientific research in the field of pharmacology.

2. The ability to use different techniques in the field of pharmacology.

3. The ability to conduct medical analyzes related to the field of pharmacology.

4. The ability to use basic electronic programs in the field of specialization.

5. The ability to deliver scientific lectures and manage panel discussions.


A. Knowledge and understanding


    Information and modern technologies in the field of pharmacology (drugs, drug     dynamics, types of drugs, methods of action, precautions, side effects of drugs, etc.)


    A.1 The student should be familiar with modern information in the field of medicine and have the ability to explain, explain and describe.

    A.2 The ability to deal with different scientific sources and absorb their contents.

    A.3 Using different scientific techniques in the field of specialization.

    A.4 The ability to distinguish the pharmacological composition and each drug and its action

    A.5 The student understands the process of innovation and continuous improvement as a means of development in the field of specialization.

B. Mental skills

    B.1 The ability to identify scientific problems and ways to solve them by conducting scientific research.

    B.2 Understanding how different technologies work in the field of specialization, and being able to identify its strengths and weaknesses.

    B.3 The ability to link the theoretical structure with the practical explanation in the field of specialization.

    B.4 The student acquires the characteristic of a researcher in the field of specialization

B.5 Developing students' scientific criticism skills

c. Practical and professional skills

    C.1 The ability to conduct medical and research analyzes related to the field of medicines

    C.2 The ability to interpret laboratory results.

    C.3 The ability to use electronic programs in the field of specialization

    C.4 The ability to identify society's problems and needs

    C.5 The ability to collect samples and data

D. General and transferable skills

    D.1 Scientific writing and preparing a research plan

    D.2 Data analysis using the computer.

    D.3 Giving lectures and managing panel discussions

    D.4 Acquisition of effective learning skills

    D.5 Providing students with teamwork and discipline skills.

Certificate Rewarded

Master of Pharmacology

Entry Reuirements

The conditions contained in Regulation No. (501) for the year 2010 regarding the issuance of the Regulation for the Organization of Higher Education, the General Regulation for Postgraduate Studies No. (69) for the year 2009, in addition to the following conditions:

1. The student must have a bachelor's degree in veterinary medical sciences from one of the veterinary colleges recognized locally and internationally.

2. The student must pass the initial admission exam conducted by the Graduate Studies Office at the college.

3. The student must pass the personal interview exam conducted by the department.

4. The student must meet the general conditions for admission according to Regulation No. (501) of 2010 regarding the issuance of the Higher Education Regulation. Graduate Studies Regulations No. (69) of 2009.

Study Plan

The Master in Pharmaceutical prepares students to qualify for Master in Pharmaceutical. The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

It comprises 3 Semesters of study, in which the student will study a total of 30 units, which include 2 units of general subjects, and 4 major units, 3 of elective units. In addition to a final project in the student's major.

Study plan for this program is shown below:

1st Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
MVPHA702 Physiological Pharmacology 03 Compulsory +

Knowing the methods of drug effects on receptors and their types. Knowing the functions of different cells and the limitations of these functionsUnderstanding the mechanism of correcting cellular dysfunctions by drugsIdentification of ways of drug transmission in the body

MVPHAR701 Principle of Pharmacology 04 Compulsory +

Identification of what medicines and their typesKnowing the methods of drug effects on receptors and their typesKnowing the ways of distributing, metabolizing, precipitating, and excreting drugs. Understanding the way drug affect all different body systems

2nd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
MVPHA705 Molecular pharmacology 04 Compulsory +

The student's knowledge of drug action at the molecular level explores the extent of development in biotechnology and biomedical researchEnhance pharmacological knowledge Increase the student's understanding of how drugs workKnowledge of genetic variation in drug action, relationships between protein structure and activity, receptor-binding interactions, and signal transduction

MVST100 Biostatistics 02 General +

3rd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
MVPHA706 Applied Pharmacology 03 Compulsory +

Applied Pharmacology IDKnowledge of the use of drugs in medical practice and their application in therapiesKnow and study the interactions that occur between the living body and chemicals

MVRM200 Research Method 02 General +

That the student be able to understand the methods of action of medicinesThat the student be able to understand the methods of action of drugs inside cellsThat the student understands the difference between the therapeutic effects of the cells and those harmful to them

Elective Subjects

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
MVPHA703 Discussion in Pharmacology 02 Elective +

To introduce the student to demonstrate knowledge of research, reading, evaluation, and research development processesFamiliarize students with conducting literary and scientific reviews using print and online databasesThat the student understands how to handle formatting and citations from printed and electronic materials

MVPHA707 Principle of laboratory for Pharmaceutical kinetics 03 Elective +

Define and understand the principles, phenomena, and physical procedures of pharmaceutical productsClarification of the interrelationships between the physicochemical properties of the drug, form, dosage, route of administration and bioavailabilityThe student's knowledge of non-electrolytic and electrolytic solutions in relation to their types and properties, mostly aggregate properties.

MVPHA710 Advanced Systemic Pharmacology 04 Elective +

This course is concerned with an extensive study of the drugs used in the treatment of body systems (the digestive system, the respiratory system, the endocrine system, the urinary system, the reproductive system .....) with a focus on clarifying the mechanisms of their action at the molecular level, as well as some modern applications of the uses of these drugs clinically

MVPHA722 Special Pharmacology for Pets 02 Elective +

To familiarize the student with methods of scientific discussion.That the student knows how to solve problems, critical thinking, role-playing, team-based learning, brainstorming, discussion, and leadership any problem.That the student understands how to develop problem-solving and thinking skills

MVPHA728 Special Pharmacology for Poultry 02 Elective +

• The student's knowledge of the different types of medicines used in birds• Know how to deal with poultry mats• Improving the student's skills in terms of fieldwork