Department of Pharmacology, Toxicology & Forensic Medicine

Word Of the Head Department of Pharmacology, Toxicology & Forensic Medicine


I wish God Almighty, the Powerful, success in carrying this trust and success in performing it to the fullest. We all hope that the scientific message will be delivered in its entirety.

May God’s peace, mercy, and blessings be upon you.


The vision in teaching pharmacology revolves around providing students with the knowledge and skills necessary to understand and apply pharmaceutical sciences and use them in treatment as doctors


The thesis seeks to enhance students’ understanding of medications and their effects on the body. Students learn about the mechanisms of action of drugs and the ways they interact with the body and various organs.


a. Pharmacology:

This course aims to study chemical compounds that have a therapeutic effect. The student’s teaching deals with the method of interaction of pharmaceutical compounds with living bodies to produce a therapeutic effect by combining with protein receptors or inhibiting certain enzymes within the body and focusing on the effect of the drug on the body, along with its various effects. Body systems on medication. The course also includes an extensive explanation of the interaction or merging of the therapeutic function of drugs, and full knowledge of classifications, chemical compositions, types, and names of drugs, which helps the student to use and apply what he has studied in this subject in the next clinical stage.

   B. Toxicology:

This course aims to introduce the student to metal pollutants, environmental pollutants such as vapors, toxic gases, food poisoning, toxic plants, radioactive materials, and carcinogens. It also addresses how to identify toxic substances, methods of detecting, diagnosing, preventing, and treating cases of poisoning as a result of exposure to different types of toxic substances, and how to evaluate the risks resulting from exposure to various types and sources of pollutants. The course also aims to teach the student the importance of the food chain, its mechanism of action, and how it reaches humans through the consumption of various animal products.

C. Forensic Medicine:

Forensic science aims to give the student the basics of practicing the profession, the laws and regulations that regulate it, and how to write forensic medical reports and certificates documenting the cause of animal death and the fraud and deception of animals and their products, if any.


Promote ethical values ​​in the pharmacy, such as integrity, credibility, respect, and professional confidentiality. Students learn the importance of respecting patients' rights, treating them ethically, and providing appropriate medication counseling.


Teaching pharmacology includes a set of tasks carried out by the teacher or lecturer. Among the basic tasks in teaching pharmacology are:

1. Preparing the curriculum: The teacher prepares the curriculum, which specifies the content and skills that students will learn in the subject of pharmacology. This includes identifying key topics and concepts to cover throughout the study.

2. Providing lectures: The teacher provides theoretical lectures to the students, where he explains the basic concepts and scientific information related to medicines. Uses teaching aids such as presentations, pictures, and slides to illustrate concepts and improve students' understanding.

 3. Organizing discussions and seminars: The teacher organizes discussions and seminars to enhance student interaction and encourage them to think critically and discuss topics related to pharmacology. It uses interactive methods such as case studies and group activities to promote practical learning and the exchange of experiences among students.

4. Correcting tests and assessments: The teacher corrects the tests and academic assignments submitted by the students. It also assesses students' level of understanding of concepts and skills related to pharmacology through tests, projects, and other assessments.

5. Providing academic advice: The teacher provides academic advice to students, whether related to subjects of study or future academic path options. He guides and encourages students to achieve their goals and develop their skills in the field of pharmacology.

6. Following up on scientific developments: The teacher follows up on scientific developments and recent research in the field of pharmacology, updates the curriculum, and guides students according to the latest information and discoveries in the field.

Organizational Structure for Department of Pharmacology, Toxicology & Forensic Medicine

Facts about Department of Pharmacology, Toxicology & Forensic Medicine

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