PhD in Philosophy

University of Tripoli - Department of Philosophy



1- Preparing cadres who have the ability to spread knowledge and cultural awareness in our local and Arab societies by giving intellectual lectures and putting forward constructive discussions.

2- Developing students' intellectual independence.

3- Developing scientific research fields in line with scientific developments.


1- Confirming the new civilized proposition represented in constructive contemporary philosophical thought .

2- Focusing on developing postgraduate studies and scientific research programs and their role in serving society and the environment.

3- Establishing a culture of quality scientific research and preparing high-level specialists in scientific research and educational programs.

4- Carrying out studies and scientific research necessary for the development of society in accordance with the standards of quality and sustainable development.


-1Developing postgraduate students' abilities to practice creative, systematic scientific research.

-2Enable postgraduate students to use contemporary tools in research.

3- Work on developing the spirit of teamwork among postgraduate students through free discussions and open dialogues.

4- Work on developing postgraduate students' abilities to use accurate scientific terminology.

Certificate Rewarded

Higher Diploma in Philosophy - PhD in Philosophy.

Entry Reuirements

-1Students who hold a master's degree or its equivalent are accepted.

-2 An admission test is taken and remedial courses are passed if the applicant is not a major in the educational institution.

-3 Applying the regulations of postgraduate studies in the college, related to the evaluation of equivalencies and the system of transfer to the college.

Study Plan

The PhD in Philosophy prepares students to qualify for PhD in Philosophy. The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

It comprises 3 Semesters of study, in which the student will study a total of 30 units, which include 0 units of general subjects, and 3 major units

Study plan for this program is shown below:

1st Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
601 "Contemporary logic “The Mathematical 03 Compulsory +

- The course aims to introduce logic as an instrument of thought whose observance protects the mind from making mistakes - The course aims to identify the logical terms of mathematical logic, their contents and dimensions - The course aims to identify the types of logical propositions, constants, and logical functions in order to apply them when constructing truth tables.

602 Contemporary intellectual issues 03 Compulsory +

Philosophy is important in privileging the mind and rationalizing it. By asking important questions, it seeks to provide useful points of view and a way out of the present to the crisis. It does not see any objection to recalling the glorious and civilized Arab-Islamic history based on the effective mind and benefiting from that past to build a future, not withdrawing from it. And escaping to it, as well as emphasizing the original Arab-Islamic identity and calling for foreign terms and postponing their synonyms to confront the alienation and alienation imposed by the culture of globalization.

603 Philosophical research methods 03 Compulsory +

Explaining and analyzing the methods used in the fields of rational, “philosophical” consideration and scientific research methods, introducing the subject of methods and explaining its importance by tracing the emergence and development of research methods throughout the history of human thought, and demonstrating the inherent relevance of the method to every organized human thought.

604 Comparative philosophy 03 Compulsory +

This course aims to present modern and contemporary issues and problems and present them by applying the comparative approach in order to develop the student’s ability and train him in comparison to show the differences and agreements between contemporary issues and problems.

2nd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
605 Free readings 03 Compulsory +

Revealing the student’s ability and philosophical inclinations by presenting issues to contemporary thinkers in general and contemporary Arab thinkers in how they treat the issues of contemporary Arab society, and their ideas are studied critically in the preparation of debates and research.

606 theory of knowledge 03 Compulsory +

This course deals with the study and analysis of the multiple cognitive trends that have appeared in the philosophical heritage in general, which highlight the historical aspects that start from Greek thought to contemporary cognitive trends. This course also aims to identify the nature of these trends and consider the foundations and evidence on which the theory of knowledge is based. The goal is From this study, a critical cognitive vision is formed.

607 Concepts and terminology 03 Compulsory +

Supporting the student’s ability to discover the concept by identifying the content and identifying the term among several terms from multiple cultures and diverse philosophies. This course also aims to identify the concepts by revealing them in ancient and modern dictionaries in the field of its specialization.

608 Studies in Islamic thought 03 Compulsory +

Studying the philosophical issues and problems that emerged from Islamic civilization and their impact on contemporary Islamic thought. It also studies contemporary obstacles to religious and historical discourse, the crisis of the Islamic civilizational project, and how to treat it.