Bachelor in Arabic Language

University of Tripoli - Department of Arabic Language



       In view of the importance of the Arabic language as one of the components of the nation's identity and the most prominent factor of its unity, and that it is the language of religion and the Qur'an, the Department of the Faculty of Languages has given it special attention, thus establishing the Arabic Language Department. Which grants a bachelor's degree in the Arabic language.

       The BA program in Arabic language aims to enable the student to establish a solid linguistic foundation through specialized courses and to acquaint the student with Arabic literature in all its stages, and to understand its specificities and its various types. In addition to presenting a number of general knowledge in the cultural and human fields, with the aim of qualifying the student to integrate into society through the knowledge he acquires in the linguistic and literary training program.

       The Arabic language diploma aims to provide the student with a general training in the field of Arabic language and literature, in the linguistic, literary and analytical disciplines. In addition to the general comprehensive training that qualifies the student to enter public life and enables him with the psychological and scientific ability to communicate with society and with practical life.

       The program includes a package of foundational courses in the field of basic Arabic language sciences in terms of language, literature and criticism, and the modern methodological theories associated with them, which gives the student the skills of critical thinking and systematic and research analysis, and this in turn contributes to the knowledge industry. This program is taught by a group of qualified professors who have great academic and methodological experience in the field of specialization with high academic ranks,

The Bachelor's program in Arabic Language and Literature at the University of Tripoli offers several compulsory courses in addition to elective courses dealing with several topics in literature, language, and methods of teaching the Arabic language with a total of (135).


  • Fluency in classical Arabic, reading and writing to understand Quran.
  • Understanding the semantics of words, their development and their relationships in other languages.
  • Appreciation of literary texts, poetry and prose, and his ability to analyze linguistically and rhetorically.
  • Training qualified scientific cadres to complete higher studies.


  • To familiarize the student with the sciences of the Arabic language and its basics, language, literature and criticism, and the theories related to it.
  • The student should apply the skills of systematic analysis and critical thinking in dealing with sources and references in his field of specialization.
  • The student should employ self-learning skills and scientific research ethics in his academic field of specialization.
  • That the student - individually or collectively - produce solid scientific research in the Arabic language and its literature, following the methods and ethics of scientific research.
  • That the student analyze written and audio texts based on his critical knowledge of the basics of the Arabic language and its literature.
  • The student should be able to monitor the relationships between Arabic and other languages in all fields.
  • To be aware of the latest developments in the language and teaching methods.

Certificate Rewarded

  • Bachelor's degree in Arabic Language

Entry Reuirements

  • The student must have a high school diploma or its equivalent.
  • The student should go through an admission exam conducted by the college.

Study Plan

The Bachelor in Arabic Language prepares students to qualify for Bachelor in Arabic Language. The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

It comprises 8 Semesters of study, in which the student will study a total of 122 units, which include 10 units of general subjects, and 102 major units, 6 of elective units. In addition to a final project in the student's major.

Study plan for this program is shown below:

1st Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
AR100 Fundamentals of Writing 02 Compulsory +

This course is concerned with developing the student’s spelling skills and applying them to Qur’anic and poetic texts.

AR151 04 Compulsory +

AR161 Morphology 1 02 Compulsory +

This course aims to develop the student's morphological and spelling skills and apply them to Quranic and poetic texts.

AR171 Pre-Islamic Literature 04 Compulsory +

Introducing the student to pre-Islamic literature in terms of its themes, characteristics, and issues, while studying examples of poetic and prose texts.

AR200 02 Compulsory +

AR242 Statement Science 02 Compulsory +

The science of rhetoric is one of the three sciences of the Arabic language, along with the sciences of meanings and badi’. The science of rhetoric course deals with a number of rhetorical topics such as simile, metonymy, metaphor, and linguistic metaphor.

EN100 02 General +

2nd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
AR141 Semantics 02 Compulsory +

The science of meanings is one of the three sciences of rhetoric: the statement, the meanings, and the beautiful.

EN101 English Language 02 General +

AR221 Prosody 02 Compulsory +

AR252 04 Compulsory +

AR262 02 Compulsory +

AR300 02 Compulsory +

AR272 04 Compulsory +

3rd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
AR343 Badi science 02 Compulsory +

The science of eloquence is one of the three sciences of rhetoric, along with the sciences of meanings and rhetoric. The course deals with the third section of rhetoric, which is concerned with the verbal and moral marvels of the miraculous, which are: assonance, alliteration, matching, contrast, and responding to miracles.

AR353 04 Compulsory +

AR363 02 Compulsory +

AR373 04 Compulsory +

AR400 Transactional Jurisprudence 02 Compulsory AR300 +

AR331 Theoretical Linguistics 02 Compulsory AR221 +

Theoretical linguistics is one of the branches of linguistics. It is the scientific study of human language away from normativity and philosophy. It is the science that studies language for its own sake and takes language as its subject by relying on the descriptive, historical and comparative approach. It also studies the relationships existing between different languages. It is a science concerned with the structure of language: Phonological, morphological, grammatical, semantic, and lexical. He also discusses theories of the emergence of language, phoneme theory, morphemes, and many modern theories.

EN200 02 General +

4th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
EN201 01 Compulsory +

AR422 Prosody and Rhyme 02 Compulsory +

Prosody and rhyme is a science that studies the meters and rhymes of poetry. In this subject, the science of rhyme will be studied in continuation of what was approved in the subject of prosody.

AR454 GRAMMAR4 04 Compulsory +

AR464 Morphology 01 Compulsory +

AR474 ANDLS LITRITURE 03 Compulsory +

Andalusian literature is literature written mainly in the Arabic language and in Arabic dialects, and the Andalusian dialect in Andalusia, that is, in the Iberian Peninsula during the era of Islamic rule from 711 to 1492 AD. Those who carried out the seeds of the first stages of Andalusian literature in that country were the Arabs who arrived there. When they went to that country, The countries felt nostalgia for their first homelands, so they expressed this nostalgia in their poetry and literature, and by continuing in this environment and settling in it, they represented the first generation during the Arab-Islamic rule in Andalusia. Its colors are many, such as poetry, letters, stories, debates, stanzas, and poems.

AR500 Sources and References 02 Compulsory AR400 +

Sources and references have a vital role when writing scientific research. Through them, the researcher can provide important connotations and clues that help him in clarifying the topic under study. Research terms can also be defined, which helps readers properly understand the directions included in the research. The more sources and references there are The researcher uses it whenever the scientific research he conducts increases in importance, richness, and scientific value from which he derives his information.

5th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
AR555 Grammar 5 04 Compulsory AR454 +

The course covers a number of topics in Arabic grammar, such as genitives with prepositions, genitives by addition, types of genitives by addition, the use of the infinitive, the use of the active participle, and the active participle.

AR432 Philology 02 not defined AR422 +

The course presents the difference between philology, linguistics, and the corpus of language, and introduces the theory of the emergence of language, and theories of dividing languages into linguistic groups and families. The course also provides an explanation of some linguistic phenomena such as: (derivation, declension, synonymy, verbal association, and antonymy). Introducing the first books on philology.

AR600 Research Methods 02 Compulsory AR500 +

Scientific research is a specialized study on a specific topic according to specific methods and principles, and carrying out systematic research, regardless of its type, theoretically or practically, is the highest stage of science, not its end. It is no wonder that the matter also requires comprehensive scientific preparation that has been prepared over many years, and continuous efforts to be a scientific research personality. The starting point that does not stop at the limits of curricula and academic summaries, but rather searches in and about principles, derives knowledge and original ideas, and is drawn to meanings, not the adornment of words and the brilliance of expressions.

AR592 02 Compulsory AR491 +

AR575 Literature of Successive Countries 03 Compulsory +

An attempt to monitor the progress of literature in the eras of successive states in the history of Arabic literature through a new look covering this era, which includes: the eras of the Zengids, the Ayyubids, and the Mamluks, and what is meant by the eras of successive states: the states that emerged after the fall of Baghdad in the year 656 AH at the hands of the Tatars in Egypt, the Levant, and the Arabian Peninsula.

AR533 Phonetics 02 Compulsory +

The phonetics course is one of the main courses in the Arabic Language Department. The course is concerned with studying the language from its phonetic aspect. He treats the linguistic sound in isolation and in combination with other sounds, and he knows the origins of the sounds and their characteristics. He also knows the linguistic units that perform a function, whether synthetic or supra-synthetic.

6th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
AR656 Grammar 6 04 Compulsory AR555 +

AR677 Quranic Readings 02 Compulsory AR533 +

Recitations, a science from which the agreement of the transmitters of the Book of God is known and their differences in language and parsing, deletion and affirmation, vowelization, sukkan, separation, and connection, and it is one of the aspects of pronouncing the words of the Holy Qur’an. It is specific to one of the imams, differing from others in the way and method of pronouncing letters and vowels, such as the amounts of vowels and inclinations. And lightening, facilitation, verification, loudness, singing, etc. The Qur’anic readings are branched out in terms of their methods, chain of transmission, reciters, and narrators.

AR634 Semantics 04 Compulsory AR533 +

Semantics is the most important branch of linguistics. It is the science that deals with meaning, explanation, and interpretation, and is concerned with issues and issues of semantics. It is also concerned with studying linguistic and non-linguistic symbols, as it analyzes all the codes that are presented in order to search for meanings. Accordingly, semantics has been understood in many ways and levels. Different, diverse semantic theories, each according to his ideas, knowledge, and concepts derived from different directions.

AR684 Literary Genres 02 Compulsory AR432 +

Literary genres, or literary arts, are lyric poetry, epic poetry, narrative art, narrative art, autobiography, theatrical art, essay art, and others.

AR686 Modern Literature 04 Compulsory AR575 +

AR693 02 Compulsory AR592 +

7th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
AR757 GRAMMAR 7 04 Compulsory +

The course presents a number of important grammatical issues, such as linguistic methods, the issue of prohibited morphemes, and cases of verb parsing and construction: nominative, accusative, jussive, and distinguishing singular and compound Arabic numbers.

AR783 Modern Literary Criticism 02 Compulsory +

AR581 Monetary Term 02 Compulsory AR686 +

8th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
AR784 Text Analysis 02 Compulsory AR686 +

Elective Subjects

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
AR737 03 Compulsory +

AR682 02 Compulsory +

AR491 02 Compulsory +