Department of Philosophy

Word Of the Head Department of Philosophy

Philosophical thought occupied a great place in the history of contemporary Libyan thought, when the founders of the Department of Philosophy enjoyed it since the years 1955-1956 AD at the Libyan University in Benghazi, and then in the years 1971-1972 AD in Tripoli. Precedence and excellence, especially in the areas of philosophical knowledge and cultural enlightenment, providing distinguished services in the fields of scientific research in its various fields, and active participation in the development of cultural awareness of the Libyan and Arab citizens with a rational, critical spirit capable of intellectual and creative liberation to anticipate the future.


Philosophical thought occupied a great place in the history of contemporary Libyan thought, when the founders of the Department of Philosophy enjoyed it since the years 1955-1956 AD at the Libyan University in Benghazi, and then in the years 1971-1972 AD in Tripoli. Precedence and excellence, especially in the areas of philosophical knowledge and cultural enlightenment, providing distinguished services in the fields of scientific research in its various fields, and active participation in the development of cultural awareness of the Libyan and Arab citizens with a rational, critical spirit capable of intellectual and creative liberation to anticipate the future.


-Leadership in education and excellence in scientific research, through creative participation in the development of scientific and intellectual research to serve the community.

-Consolidating cultural identity, providing modern educational programs in accordance with quality standards, to prepare scientific and professional cadres that meet the needs of the national labor market, and can contribute to the development of sustainable knowledge in local and international forums .


1/ Linking the university with the issues of society, the environment and civil society institutions.

2/ Scientific and academic rehabilitation, and the development of the ability to think independently and constructively in accordance with the quality of teaching and learning.

3/ Work to prepare an open-minded generation, based on reason and logic in its judgment on the issues of society and the challenges facing it.

4/ Developing and developing the scientific skills of those working in the field of philosophy, and providing technical and scientific advice related to the field; This is in order to improve the quality of teaching and learning.

5 / Contribute to the promotion of the goals of the college and the university through active participation in various cultural and scientific activities.


- Leadership and excellence in the field of higher education through the application of teaching and learning skills, such as the ability to think freely, distinctly and constructively, which deals with reality in a logical manner, and contributes to addressing many issues of our contemporary society.

 - Partnership and cooperation: through joint teaching and conducting scientific research in the field of philosophy, and building cooperative relations with state institutions related to the specialization.

 -Scientific honesty: by supporting educational and research values ​​and adhering to the ethics of scientific research.


 -Conducting research and studies, providing consultations, preparing technical cadres, participating in research projects for public authorities in the country, and holding seminars and intellectual conferences that support and enhance the value of philosophical thought in education, and contribute to raising the level of scientific qualification and its outputs in society.

- Raising the scientific competence of the students in the department by encouraging students to use modern methods and techniques in research, and to benefit from them in the active participation in the scientific and cultural activities of the department internally and externally.

Organizational Structure for Department of Philosophy

Facts about Department of Philosophy

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Academic Staff



