Bachelor in Psychology and Education

Faculty of Arts and Languages - Department of Psychology



Students study modules in educational and behavioral sciences to create a balanced and integrated human personality, equipped with research skills, in light of the developments in psychological sciences, and contemporary educational trends, in addition to general prerequisites modules of the Faculty and University.


· Providing students with the general psychological principles and laws of human behavior and enabling them to identify the factors and variables that govern behavior.

· Providing students with a basic knowledge base in the field of educational sciences to enable them to understand the nature of the educational process and its importance to the individual and the society in which they live.

· Developing students' skills in learning and critical thinking, and using the quantitative approach that enables them to ask questions and answer them through some research strategies.

· Enable students to acquire information and scientific facts, which help them understand vital natural phenomena, equipped with knowledge that helps them maintain their health, and identify diseases, their causes and methods of treatment.

· Enable students to identify abnormal behavior, identify its type, and use appropriate tools to measure it.

· Enable students to learn about different areas of learning technology and develop their abilities to produce their research tools.

· Providing students with the most important concepts related to education, teaching and learning.

· Introducing students to the forces and factors affecting education in Libya, and enabling them to be familiar with tracking the educational system, starting from the Ottoman era to the present.

· Enable students to learn about educational systems in the Arab world and the world, and develop their skills in making educational comparisons between these systems.

· Provide students with field and practical experiences related to one or more areas of education and psychology.


· Preparing researchers, psychologists and educators who are knowledgeably and professionally qualified.

· Seeking to spread culture and psychological and educational knowledge and provide psychological and educational services to the relevant community institutions in order to achieve sustainable development, in accordance with Arab, regional and international standards,  excellence and leadership in the educational and psychological field, academically, research and professionally.

· Work on the dissemination and development of psychological and educational knowledge, which contributes to building a modern and advanced society.

Certificate Rewarded

Bachelor Degree in Psychology and Education

Entry Reuirements

· High Bachelor's degree in Education and Psychology

· Full-time students must devote themselves to study at the college, and not be registered in any other college or institute, and that the part-time student is subject to the conditions of the concerned department in proportion to his capabilities and understanding capacity.

· Student’s grade in the specialized secondary certificate should not be less than the percentage determined by the University of Tripoli, which is announced annually immediately after the announcement of the results of the specialized secondary exams in its role and the like.

· International students may be admitted to scholarships at the expense of society in accordance with the principles and rules that decide on the admission of Libyan students. The Faculty may set conditions regarding the admission of non-Libyan students to study at their own expense in accordance with the legislation in force.

· he applicant student who is not a Libyan Arab must undertake to pay the fees and study expenses in accordance with the regulations, decisions and legislation issued and in force at the university.

· To be healthy, free from infectious diseases and able to follow theoretical and practical lessons.

· To pass the personal interview exam successfully in the departments that require it.

Study Plan

The Bachelor in Psychology and Education prepares students to qualify for Bachelor in Psychology and Education. The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

It comprises 8 Semesters of study, in which the student will study a total of 130 units, which include 0 units of general subjects, and 0 major units

Study plan for this program is shown below:

1st Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
1450 Descriptive Statistics 02 Compulsory +

The course focuses on the concept of statistics and descriptive statistics and its importance in the field of education and psychology, and familiarity with methods of organizing and displaying data, as well as familiarity with measures of central tendency and their calculation, and measures of dispersion and their calculation, with the aim of applying descriptive statistics tools in the field of education and psychology.

EDU1311 Principles of Administration 02 Compulsory +

This course introduces the student to the concept of administration and its general implications in human thought. It also deals with the concept of educational administration (educational and school). The course is also concerned with educational leadership, authority, and human relations in administration, in addition to the productive capacity in educational work, and the components of educational administration.

1445 The Basics of Scientific Research 02 Compulsory +

This course dealt with the concept of research, science, and knowledge and their sources, the steps of scientific research, and methods of collecting data.

1321 Pedagogy Basics 02 Compulsory +

The course aims to identify the historical, philosophical, social, cultural and psychological foundations of education to provide the student with a set of facts, laws and theories that guide applied educational work.

1301 General psychology 02 Compulsory +

Providing the student with general concepts of psychology to prepare him in the future to study various psychology topics. The course also aims to link psychology with daily life experiences, as its study is useful in understanding behavior and the mental processes behind it: its motives, dynamics, and effects, a practical study on the basis of which different patterns of behavior can be predicted.And control, direct and control it.

2331 Curricula Foundations 02 Compulsory +

The course aims to shed light on the concept of the curriculum, its elements, and its historical development·It seeks to help the student become familiar with the most important schools of thought, the general foundations of curricula, and the most important types and organizations of educational curricula.

2nd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
001455 The Basics of Sociology 02 Compulsory +

This course deals with the definition of sociology, its origins, its goals, its importance, the most important problems it faces, the fields in which it is concerned, and the relationship between the individual and society. It also introduces the most important founding scholars of sociology. It discusses the social structure and its components. It also deals with some social terminology, from a social psychological perspective.

002501 Management Psychology 02 Elective +

This course deals with identifying administrative psychology as a branch of psychology, and the general principles of administrative psychology, as well as identifying the impact of the motivations and needs of employees in the administrative field, and addressing the personality of successful administrative leadership and its impact on educational institutions.

6511 Time Management 03 Elective +

This course aims to provide students with the most important knowledge and skills related to time management in educational institutions.introducing the student to the most important models of time management in institutions. and their contemporary applications. • Providing the student with the information and skills necessary for successful time management strategies in educational institutions. • Providing the student with sufficient information related to how to deal with and reduce time wasting in educational institutions.​

3450 Educational Statistics 02 Compulsory +

The course dealt with the concept of the moderate distribution/curve and its characteristics, non-moderate distributions, as well as the concept of standard and modified standard scores and their calculation, and touched on the concept of regression and finding the equation of the regression line, and some methods of comparing averages.

3445 Scientific Research Methods 02 Compulsory +

The course focuses on introducing the student to methods for formulating the problem, formulating scientific hypotheses for the problem, understanding samples and their types, and how to write the final research report.

2307 Child Psychology 02 Compulsory +

Providing scientific data and information about the characteristics of children’s growth at different stages of development.· Identify the standards of growth in all its physical, mental, emotional and social manifestations.· Giving students the ability to understand this stage and differentiate between one stage and another.· Empowering students in how to deal with children, taking into account the differences, individuality, and age stage among them.

2301 History of Education 02 Compulsory +

The course includes the concept of educational psychology, scientific knowledge of motivation and its importance for learning, and learning about the goals of educational psychology ,And educational objectives.

3rd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
005307 Intelligence and Individual 02 Compulsory +

This course includes the concept of individual differences, their types, and their biological, demographic, and environmental causes that affect growth, personality formation, and the educational process, the historical development of the study of individual differences, the importance of studying them, and methods for measuring them.

3301 Evaluation of Measurement 03 Compulsory +

This course focuses on providing the student with the basic concepts in the field of educational and psychological measurement and evaluation, and forming a structure of knowledge among the specialized student about issues related to educational and psychological measurement and evaluation, and providing him with the skill of preparing and constructing an achievement test in accordance with the correct scientific foundations, and introducing him to the most important psychometric characteristics that should be distinguished.

002505 Industrial Psychology 02 Elective +

This course deals with introducing students to the concept of industrial psychology and its objectives, enabling them to understand the methods of psychological and professional compatibility in the field of work, and the ability to apply some methods of measuring psychological and professional compatibility, as well as introducing students to the psychology of management and industrial organization.

004331 Strategies of Education 02 Compulsory +

This course seeks to provide the student with concepts and knowledge related to the concept of teaching strategies, and concepts related to the term teaching strategies, and to address the most important inputs, processes and outputs of the educational system as a system, and exposure to modern and contemporary trends in the methods of teaching strategies.

006305 Psychology of Ageing 03 Compulsory +

This course describes the stage of aging, its concept and characteristics, the changes that occur in the stage of aging, the theories of aging, comparison and interpretation between them, and the interpretation of the problems facing the elderly and the elderly.

5th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
008511 Resource Planning 03 Elective +

Familiarity with the concept of human resources management in education, the objectives of human resources management, knowledge of the functions of human resources management, knowledge of the concepts of human resources planning and their importance in the educational field, clarifying the relationship of human resources planning with some human resources management functions, and learning about the reality of human resources planning in Libya.

007531 Syllabus Design 03 Elective +

This course deals with the concept of school curriculum planning, its justifications and benefits, concepts related to the term school curriculum planning, the steps of planning the school curriculum, development, improvement and change of the school curriculum, and developing the foundations on which the school curriculum is built.

6th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
006331 Education Technology 03 Compulsory +

This course deals with the concept of educational technology and its importance in teaching and learning, the concept of educational means and the stages of their development, defining the importance of using the Internet and its role in teaching and learning, and presenting the most important modern trends in teaching and learning.

006303 Guidance and Counseling 03 Compulsory +

This course describes the subject of psychological guidance and counseling in terms of its concept, origin, importance, foundations and postulates from which this process begins, the information necessary for the psychological counseling process, the concept of mental health and how the individual reaches psychological compatibility, in addition to presenting the subject of school guidance - play guidance - marital guidance.

7th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
008505 Vocational Guidance 03 Elective +

To introduce the concept of guidance and vocational guidance, clarify the difference between the two terms, introduce the most important pillars and foundations from which vocational guidance begins, and address the true beginning of vocational guidance in addition to explaining the importance of vocational guidance for the student in achieving stability and psychological balance for the profession in the future.

007310 Field Exercises 02 Compulsory +

This course is considered a basic requirement for the student’s graduation, and through it the student works for a specific period of time in one of the government or private institutions, and the student is trained to deal with cases of those suffering from psychological or developmental disorders by visiting centers for special groups, in application of the knowledge that the students received during Theoretical lectures.

007317 School Management 03 Compulsory +

The course deals with concepts and terminology related to school administration and its development, its importance, goals, and relationship to educational and educational administration, its characteristics, processes, and theories, its role in developing the educational and pedagogical process, the tasks, functions, and responsibilities assigned to the school principal, his role as a resident supervisor, and presenting some successful experiences in school administration for educational institutions to benefit from.In Libya.

007521 Administration and Education Policies 03 Elective +

The course covers a description of the educational policy of the educational system, the factors affecting it, the historical roots of the education system in Libya, and the basic concepts of education policy. It also focuses on the policy of education stages, its goals and problems, and the study of educational systems with specific goals, and addresses the challenges facing the education system and the future directions of the educational system.

004521 Education In Libya 03 Elective +

This course deals with introducing the importance of studying the history of culture and education in Libya (in modern times), presenting the factors influencing education, revealing the most important obstacles and problems facing education in Libya, how to confront current problems in education, and working on how to find proposals and solutions to meet challenges and in education,

008501 Experimental Psychology 03 Elective +

This course deals with introducing the importance of the experimental method and its role in the development of psychology, introducing the scientific method and its characteristics, and how to design experiments and pioneering experimental studies in the field of psychology. It also deals with a brief presentation of the studies that paved the way for the emergence of experimental psychology.

8th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
008310 Field Exercises 02 Compulsory +

This course deals with applications of psychological educational counseling techniques and the use of its tools, including applying psychological tests, conducting interviews, case studies, and designing programs and guidance plans.

008315 Educational Supervision 02 Compulsory +

This course is considered one of the educational courses in the field of preparing the educational psychologist. Through it, the student acquires a lot of basic knowledge in the field of contemporary educational supervision that he needs when he engages in working in educational institutions, as it enables him to perform his administrative and technical duties and responsibilities with efficiency and high quality.

004355 Educational Sociology 03 Compulsory +

This course deals with the concept of educational sociology, discovering the origins and development of educational sociology, studying the most important areas of educational sociology, and discovering the extent to which educational sociology contributes to treating educational problems.

004525 Educational Theories 02 Elective +

006517 Education Economies 03 Elective +

This course deals with introducing the importance of studying the economics of education and its role in development and improving the quality of education, and some concepts related to investment, spending, and quality in education, in addition to topics related to investment, spending, and quality in education, and rationalizing the consumption of educational resources and preserving them within educational institutions.

006515 Administration Technology 03 Elective +

This course dealt with the definition of information and communications technology, its features, importance, and most important elements and components, as well as the definition of the concept of data and information, its systems, its importance and its role in modernizing and activating educational administration, and familiarity with the multiple advantages and various services provided by information and communications systems and how to benefit from them in modernizing and developing educational administration, and introducing electronic administration.

Elective Subjects

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
004501 Environmental Psychology 02 Elective +

This course focuses on the interaction between the environment and humans, and examines how the physical features of the environment affect our knowledge, behavior, and well-being. It also provides an overview of many pressing environmental challenges, such as climate change, and what can be done to promote sustainability.

006505 Cognitive Psychology 03 Elective +

This course focuses on providing the student with knowledge about the historical development of cognitive psychology, the formation of information, language, thinking, innovation, and cognitive methods. Obtaining information about mental processes (attention - forgetting - remembering - imagining), revealing theories explaining several mental processes (attention - forgetting).

007311 Graduation Project 02 Compulsory +

This course deals with the application of research methods in issues of educational psychological counseling in its various fields (educational psychology, positive psychology, psychological disorders, developmental psychology, etc.).

006301 Psychological Tests 03 Compulsory +

This course deals with the historical development of psychological tests and mental abilities, their objectives, limitations, and advantages, identifying the types of psychological tests, their application, interpretation, and evaluation, linking them to theories, and taking into account scientific, technical, and ethical considerations when applying these tests to subjects.

005455 English Terminologies 02 Compulsory +

This course seeks to provide the student with some terms in the English language related to the field of psychology in its various branches, by identifying, exploring, and using them through texts and excerpts in English, while providing him with the skill of using dictionaries and translating some parts on various topics from the fields of psychology, such as: general psychology, principles of education, and measurement.Evaluation, mental processes, etc.

005311 Educational Planning 02 Compulsory +

This course deals with the nature of educational planning and the stages included in the educational planning process, how to apply models and approaches to educational planning in the field, the areas of planning at the school level and the development of educational plans, and modern methods and theories of educational planning and their curricula and steps.

005309 Learning Difficulties 03 Compulsory +

This course aims to provide the student with information about learning difficulties in terms of their definition, importance, historical development of their study, models and theories explaining them, the physical, psychological and social characteristics of this category, the causes and factors contributing to learning difficulties, their classification (developmental - academic), their diagnosis, their causes and their treatment.

005303 Psychology of Groups Especial 03 Compulsory +

This course includes the definition of disability with a historical presentation of the development of psychological and medical care services for those groups, the classification and cognitive, psychological, behavioral and social characteristics of each group, the causes and methods of prevention, special needs and their care, with an explanation of the role of the educational psychologist in guiding people with special groups and their families. The course also includes:Mentally superior people (including excellence, talent, and creativity).

005301 Theories of personalities 03 Compulsory +

This course contributes to providing students with theoretical and practical information about, in-depth understanding and applied skills related to the concept of personality, by presenting the most important and diverse scientific theories that deal with personality, and focusing on the knowledge and information that the educational psychologist needs in his field of work, in addition to providing him with effective skills to apply and interpret standards Personal .

004505 Criminal Psychology 02 Elective +

This course deals with the definition of criminal psychology, its field of study, its importance and goals, the relevant sciences and theories, its methods, theories and research approaches, the role of the psychologist in criminal institutions, prevention, treatment and rehabilitation in the criminal field, and its contemporary applications.

2321 History of Education 02 Compulsory +

004307 Mental Health 02 Compulsory +

This course contributes to providing the student with information about the concept of mental health, psychological adaptation and harmony, psychological illness and psychological needs, means of psychological defense, established psychiatric diseases and their types, psychotic diseases, their causes and methods of treatment, and the role of the school psychologist as a guide to the student’s psychological problems.

003321 Comparative Education 02 Compulsory +

This course describes comparative education, its development, its most prominent pioneers, the factors influencing educational systems, the problems facing researchers in it, and an overview of the leading educational systems and comparing them to the education system in Libya, by training students to make comparisons between two educational systems with the aim of identifying similarities and differences between them and issuing judgments and results.The final outcome of the comparison between them, focusing on a specific stage.

003315 Human Relations 02 Compulsory +

The course deals with the concept of human relations and their emasculation, its role and importance in the educational field, social interaction, the causes of the deterioration of human relations in institutions, methods of dealing between people and their interaction in society, exposure to the concept of motivation and its impact on human relations, the importance of communication and its administrative methods, and communication in the Qur’an, recitation, hearing, and hadith.

003311 Training and Preparation 02 Compulsory +

003307 Psychology of Adolescenc 02 Compulsory +

This course deals with the concept, nature, characteristics and theories of adolescence and its problems, and knowledge of the stages of sexual development, emotional development, social development and mental development, in order to guide and control behavior during this stage.

8517 Quality Management 02 Elective +

Introducing the concept of total quality and the importance of its application in educational institutions, and highlighting the most important benefits and advantages that educational institutions can benefit from when applying the principles of total quality, familiarity with the most important standards of total quality, the requirements for their application and the difficulties facing their implementation in educational institutions, and being aware of indicators of the extent to which educational institutions benefit from Applying the principles, foundations and standards of comprehensive quality.

002305 Social Psychology 02 Compulsory +

001441 Physiology 02 Compulsory +

This course aims to introduce the student to the sense organs, nerves, glands, and muscles from a physiological standpoint and their impact on psychological activity and the psychological and mental state in decisiveness. It also addresses the subject of the central nervous system, the nerve cell, the divisions of the nervous system, the endocrine glands, psychosomatic diseases, sensory functions, and the psychophysiological foundations of mental and psychological processes.